
Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Here are a few images from the Bahamas...
Wifi has been pretty non existent for the last month or so…

Erik cleaning the conch we gathered in Bimini. We had quite a go with the first one until an ol' salty sailor came to the rescue and gave us a quick lesson; after that it was golden and the result was delicious.
Alli & Dan of sailing vessel Goose aka "Big Bird"
Hiking the ruins at Hawksbill Cay
Well, this current adventure is coming to a close. We crossed the Gulf Stream yesterday. We are in Fort Lauderdale at the moment; and it feels pretty nice to be back in civilization. Over the next few days we will make our way to Indiantown, Florida, where we will store the boat. I cannot begin to describe our experiences in the Bahamas, but its safe to say that we have both fallen in love with these beautiful islands and there is no doubt that we shall see them again one day. However, for now, we will head back to Canada to get ready for our next adventure:)

We found it impossible to post in the Bahamas as there is basically zero wifi, so I do apologize for the lack of updates. This, however, will be my final post. I want thank each and every one of you for following us on our journey. It has been an absolute pleasure sharing:)

Take care,

Chels & Erik

Thursday, 2 January 2014

The flow of life...

Still in Fort Lauderdale, or Fort Lingerdale as it's sometimes called.  Sailors tend to linger here; waiting on a weather window; not unlike ourselves at the moment.

I made a New Year's resolution.  And I never make them.  It was 'to go with the flow'. I know living on a boat with the blog slogan, "Living Life One Day At A Time", is something a 'go with the flow' girl would do, however, do not be fooled.  I have an idea in my mind about how things should be before they happen and I get too attached to the end result; I often find myself losing sight of the present moment.  I am aware that this happens sometimes and it's something I am trying to work on.  So this year I am taking it full on.  Present moment only; living life as a continuous flow.

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry- all forms of fear- are caused by too much future and not enough presence.  Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past and not enough presence."
-Eckhart Tolle

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and all your resolutions are in full swing!


Sunday, 29 December 2013

Lost images...

We haven't been very busy with the camera lately (plus it's not allowed at the beach until "I can learn how to properly care for our electronics around sand and salt water"), so here are a few images that we took along the way that never got posted.  Just in case you're bored.  I'm confident my camera privileges will be reinstated shortly.

Preparing for The Bahamas...

First purchases...

We arrived in Fort Lauderdale yesterday afternoon, headed straight for the beach and stayed till dark; can't get enough of the white sand and crashing waves.  

Anyways, we're not here to frolick on the beach, we have some major preparing to do and projects to attend to, so this morning with a list in hand we headed to West Marine.  However on the way we came across this huge warehouse called 'Sailorman', both a new and used marine store and it has everything; our new go to for our boat needs.  For the first pick up we got 2 extra water jugs, an extra diesel jug, bilge hose, an extra bilge pump, solar vent, LED anchor light, LED utility light and 2 used safety harnesses (mine's the green one and Erik's is the yellow).  These harnesses are a little overdue and I'm glad we found them.

A very productive first trip, and a great find of a store, as our usual runs to West Marine consist of back and forth down each aisle 19 times and coming away with a quarter of what was on the list.  We found everything we need at this store, we couldn't buy everything on the first run since we can only buy what our packs can carry, but a couple more trips should do it.

We have to wait on a proper weather window to cross to The Bahamas and that doesn't seem to be happening for at least a week, maybe longer. No worries though, we have lots to keep us going until then.  We can be patient.

Friday, 27 December 2013


Very happening Tiki Bar in our anchorage; we can hear the live music and the crowd quite clearly from the boat.  If we felt like having a drink somewhere that definitely seems like the place to be; but we do not.  Instead we had supper in the cockpit and listened to the band put out some Bryan Adams, Neil Young, Pink Floyd and even some Mumford and Sons; not a bad little mix.

We had a full day and had to go through 13 bridges today that only open at certain times, so we were caught waiting a couple times.  There will be a lot of bridges tomorrow as well; Erik just told me he stopped counting.  Anyways, Fort Lauderdale tomorrow!

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Goodbye Vero Beach

Christmas night...our last night in Vero Beach.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  We are definitely missing our families and friends at the moment; but we've had a nice couple of days. I actually got taken out on a proper date on Christmas Eve; first for sushi (which is my fav) and then to see 'Catching Fire' (love The Hunger Games and Jennifer Lawrence).  Our time at Vero Beach has come to an end though, we have just dropped anchor in Stuart.  We'll be on the move pretty hard for the next few days to make it to Fort Launderdale; where we will get ready for The Bahamas baby!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

At the beach... where we've been...

Combing the beach...looking for treasures...

Found this...not sure what it is...but I like it...

This is where we keep Nitro for the day...the beach is a 2 second walk across the street...

Filling up the water jug...

Home to Dreamer Blue...

We've had a pretty relaxing couple of days, hanging at the beach, swimming in the ocean, doing yoga, running, going for long walks, eating tons of fresh fruit and loads of green salads.  Feeling very refreshed.  I want to live at the beach forever.  Not sure how much longer we're going to stick around here.  There are a few more little projects we have to get done on the boat before we head to the Bahamas; here seems as good as place as any to get them done.  Maybe a few more days anyways.
